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Evgenia Klevakina

Collective Security Treaty Organization in the Context of Member-states’ National Interests

2013. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. [issue contents]

Evgenia Klevakina - Postgraduate student of the Russian History Department of the  North-Caucasian Federal University; 355029, 2, Kulakova Ave., Stavropol, Russian Federation; E-mail: eklevakina@yandex.ru


The article analyzes national interests of the Collective Security Treaty member states. In spite of stated common goals, the state-members pursue ambiguous and sometimes controversial policies which hinder functioning of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. In this context the author defines the role of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in ensuring national interests of the member states. The paper includes analysis of the member states interpretation of the CSTO strategy and tactics. The author identifies key tendencies in the CSTO main activities and its influence on the post-soviet area. Analysis of the national interests of the CSTO member states identified that the national interests of the CSTO member states are very similar. The countries cooperation is focused on common challenges:the preservation of the sovereignty, integrity and stability, opposition to contemporary challenges and threats to international and regional security, e.g. international terrorism and extremism, drug trafficking. This fact contributes to the integration of the region’s countries within the military and political structure. Its main activities are formed in accordance with the member states’ interests.

However, despite the common challenges, the member states conduct inconsistent foreign policy, which does not always comply with the interests of the organization members, moreover is sometimes contradictory to it. The so called multi-vector policy, often defined by the actor’s wish to obtain maximum benefits from the regional and non-regional powers, often becomes an irritant in the neighbors’ relations. It contradicts the organization principles and hinders effective cooperation.


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Citation: Klevakina Evgenia V. (2013) Organizatciia Dogovora o kollektivnoi bezopasnosti v kontekste natcional'nykh interesov stran-uchastnitc [Collective Security Treaty Organization in the Context of Member-states’ National Interests] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2 (in Russian)
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