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Natalia Drantusova, Evgeny Kniazev

Institutional Landscape of the Higher Education in Russia: Vectors of Development

2013. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 264–273 [issue contents]

Natalia Drantusova -PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher at the Centre for University Management of the Institute of Educational Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail: ndrantusova@mail.ru

Evgeny Kniazev -Dr. of Economics, Head of the Centre for University Management of the Institute of Educational Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail: ekniazev@list.ru


The authors discuss trend in the Russian HEIs differentiation, examine the reasons for this phenomena and identify 4 new models of universities.

The present state policy in Russia, recognizing the key role of Higher Education in economic and social development, is focused on supporting the selected limited group of universities encouraging their goals for competition in globally. At the same time the conditions for outsiders are being tightened. This may create certain risks for the National Higher Education System. Based on the stakeholders’ concept of the system processes analysis the authors prove the necessity for constructing a new landscape of Higher Education.

The analysis of various stakeholders’ needs and expectations enables researchers to describe 4 universities models: 1) “research university” with a research mission at a federal level; 2) “university – system integrator” – a university with a federal social-economic mission; 3) “university – regional integrator” – a university with regional socio-economic mission; 4) “university – human resources developer” – an institution with a local mission.

This approach allows researchers to demonstrate the diversity of the Russian higher education landscape. The authors conclude that the government as the main stakeholder should identify the development vector of the higher education system: hierarchical differentiation or differentiation aimed at supporting and development of higher education institutions institutional diversity.


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Citation: Drantusova Natalia Vladimirovna, Kniazev Evgeny Anatol'evich (2013) Institutcional'nyi landshaft vysshego obrazovaniia v Rossii: kliuchevye vektory razvitiia [Institutional Landscape of the Higher Education in Russia: Vectors of Development] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 264-273 (in Russian)
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