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Elena Soboleva 1, Svetlana Krivokhizh1
  • 1 HSE University, 123 Kanal Griboyedova emb, St. Petersburg,190068, Russia.

The Great Narrative Game: China's Multi-Channel Approach to Shaping Global Perceptions

2025. Vol. 20. No. 1. P. [issue contents]
This study aims to contribute to the research of China’s discourse power by constructing a comprehensive outline of the communication channels that the PRC relies on to disseminate its messages globally. In terms of theoretical background, we rely on the concept of strategic narratives, which singles out the process of ideas’ projection and stresses the importance of communication infrastructure used to transmit messages. In the empirical part, we discuss four types of communication channels used by the PRC, which include mass media, social media, international forums and o anizations, and think tanks. We examine and compare these channels by looking at the breadth and type of target audience, type of content they produce, and their connection to CCP. We show that China invests significant resources and applies a multi–pronged approach using both existing platforms and creating its own ones to overcome constraints and be able to play by its own rules. Such a multi-channel approach also reflects China’s attempts to reach different groups within a very fragmented audience. We also make a conclusion about the function each channel fulfills in China’s communication strategy and demonstrate that using various types of channels serves different purposes. For example, in the case of international organizations and forums, the strategic aim is to influence political elites that would support China both at the global and domestic level, while narratives spread through mass and social media are directed at the general public and are aimed at creating a favorable environment for pro-China policies and challenging hegemonic discourse about “China threat”. Overall, the existing global media and institutional environments have influenced China’s attempts to project its narratives

this work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant no 23-28-00994, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-00994/

This article was submitted 28.05.2024
Citation: Krivokhizh S., Soboleva E. (2024) The Great Narrative Game: China's Multi-Channel Approach to Shaping Global Perceptions. International Organisations Research Journal, vol. 20, no 1, pp. (in English)
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