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N Vasilieva, Maria Lagutina

Eurasian Economic Unit Project by Experts’ Evaluations

2013. Vol. 8. No. 4. P. 229–242 [issue contents]

Natalia Vasilieva - Dr. of Philosophy, Professor at the Department of Global Politics of the School of International Relations of the Saint-Petersburg State University, 7-9, University Embankment, St. Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: nbasil@sir.edu

Marina Lagutina - PhD in Political Science, Senior Lecturer, School of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University, 7-9, University Embankment, St. Petersburg, Russia; Е-mail: manipolis@hotmail.com


Political decisions of the Eurasian states leaders (Kazakhstan, Russia and Belorussia) and the vivid discussion within academic and expert community of a Eurasian Union establishment led to a rise in research in integration processes within the post soviet area. The presented article discusses prospects of a new global-regional integration project (Eurasian Union). The purpose of this paper is to analyze experts’ opinions and explore prospects of the Eurasian Union. The authors describe and analyze various points of view on the problem. “Eurasian optimists” and “Eurasian skeptics” were identified within this analysis. It was also demonstrated that the leaders and policy makers of the main world states (EU, USA, China) do not have a conceptual opinion on a Eurasian Union project. The reason of such attitude could be attributed to the negative outcomes of the last 20 years integration within the post soviet area. The authors of the article present their own vision of the political and economical prospects of the Eurasian Union. Summing up pros and cons of the Eurasian project the authors come to the conclusion that the position of Eurasian optimists is more justified as a shift from a state-centered system to a global system with regional associations of states as actors is one of the modern trends. Therefore, the Eurasian Union establishment is seen as an objective tendency of the world development.


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Citation: (2013) Proekt «Evraziiskii ekonomicheskii soiuz» v otcenkakh ekspertnogo soobshchestva [Eurasian Economic Unit Project by Experts’ Evaluations] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 4, pp. 229-242 (in Russian)
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