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John Kirton1 (Translation ed. by: Marina Larionova 2, Olga Perfilieva)
  • 1 University of Toronto, 100, St. George, Ontario, Toronto, Canada, M5S 1A1
  • 2 RANEPA, 11 Prechistenskaya naberezhnaya, Moscow, 119034, Russia

The Systemic Hub Model of G20 Governance

2013. Vol. 8. No. 3. P. 5–30 [issue contents]

John J. Kirton –PhD in International Studies, Professor, Director of the G8 Research Group, Co-Director of the G20 Research Group of the University of Toronto, M5S 1A1, 100 St. George, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; E-mail: john.kirton@utoronto.ca  


The presented article is a translation of the second chapter of John Kirton’s book “Governance for a Globalized World” made with the permission of the author.

The author analyses the G20 phenomena drawing on various theories of international relations: realism, liberal institutionalism, Gramscian political economy, and constructivism. It is concluded that none of these classical theories is sufficient to explain the G20 governance.

Followed one after the other economic shocks, exposing new vulnerabilities in the process of globalization (e.g. financial crisis of 1997-1999, emerging in Asia and spreading around the world), contributed to the rapid establishment in 1999 of a broader, possessing large collective capabilities and closely interrelated "Group of Twenty", which was designed to help the "Group of Seven / Eight" and other organizations to provide global governance in the field of economics and finance. The increased number and variety of systemically important countries represented in the G20 helped to increase its capacity, representativeness, effectiveness and legitimacy as a new center of collective leadership. In 2008, an even more serious financial crisis that began with the U.S. and spread to the entire world, has led to an increase in the level of cooperation within the G20 to the meetings of the leaders of the Member States. This step contributed to the emergence of new opportunities and levels of interaction.

The G20 governance could be explained by a model of systemic hub governance, which adapts and extends the proven concert equality model of the G8 governance by selectively drawing on concepts from international relations theories of realism, liberal institutionalism, political economy, constructivism, complex adaptive systems, clubs, and networks. The G20 represents a special kind of club, defined by the systemic significance of its members in the world where the connectivity among them as well as the relative capability across countries is a central feature of the system.


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Citation: Kirton John J (2013) Model' upravleniia «Gruppoi dvadtcati» [The Systemic Hub Model of G20 Governance] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 3 (in Russian)
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