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Denis Degterev1
  • 1 Institute for African Studies, 30/1, st. Spiridonovka, Moscow, 123001, Russia

Russian Federation as a New International Donor: Identity’s Dilemmas

2013. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. [issue contents]

Denis Degterev- PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor at the Department of World Economy of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of MFA, 119454, 76, Vernadskogo, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail: degterev@mgimo.ru


This article presents an analysis of the major identity dilemmas that the Russian Federation faces as a new donor of international aid programs. The Russian Federation is positioned as one of the leading international donors. Russia shares common grounds with the G8 countries on certain aspects of international assistance, and with the BRICS countries – on some other aspects. The paper analyzes the Russian Federation position on the development paradigm and distribution of international aid.

Quantitative analysis, carried out by the author, suggests a correlation between the position of a country on development assistance issues, its GDP per capita and membership in various international organizations. According to the analysis the Russian Federation shares some features with the "Global North", and others with the "Global South".

At present the Russian Federation as an international donor is focused more upon the paradigm of redistribution, as evidenced by its participation in a number of in international development assistance initiatives implemented by the UN, as well as the provision of humanitarian assistance. Apparently, with the increasing capacity of the Russian Federation as an international donor, the focus will be shifted to corrective justice.  The author asserts  that the Russian Federation will be more active in financing infrastructure programs (including industrial) in the least developed countries. The Ministry of Economic Development promotes this position, encouraging the allocation of concessional loans (corrective justice) rather than grant aid (distributive justice).


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Citation: Degtyarev Denis A. (2013) Rossiiskaia Federatciia kak novyi mezhdunarodnyi donor: dilemmy identichnosti [Russian Federation as a New International Donor: Identity’s Dilemmas] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2 (in Russian)
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