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Boris Zhelezov, Alisa Melikyan

Innovative Activities of International Faculty at a Russian University (A Case of the HSE)

2013. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 274–286 [issue contents]

Alisa Melikyan- M.Sc. in Strategic Management, Senior lecturer at the Department of Software Systems Architecture, Research Fellow at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail:amelikyan@hse.ru

Boris Zhelezov- PhD in Political Science, Research Fellow at the Institute for Educational Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail: bzhelezov@hse.ru


The presented article describes practice of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” in attracting international staff and its involvement in innovative activities. It can be useful for professionals involved in internationalization of higher education in Russia.

The article presents the outcomes of the survey on innovative activities of international staff members of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.  Both international staff members and the heads of university’s departments took part in an on-line survey. The survey helps  identify the trends in innovative activities of the international staff (research, educational, administrative) and attempts to assess their contribution to the university’s development. The authors employ the EDI concept (employee-driven innovation) to analyze the outcomes of the survey. In the framework of this concept an employee is seen as a potential resource for innovation and the employer’s objective is to create supportive environment to stimulate innovative potential of employees.

The article concludes with recommendations on stimulating employees’ innovative and creative activities.  It was demonstrated that certain organizational structures which support international staff and its adaptation are crucial for successful implementation of international activities and attracting international specialists. However, additional efforts should be made to facilitate international staff adaptation and its cooperation with Russian colleagues.


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Citation: Zhelezov Boris Valer'evich, Melikyan Alisa V (2013) Innovatcionnaia deiatel'nost' mezhdunarodnykh sotrudnikov rossiiskogo vuza (na primere NIU VShE) [Innovative Activities of International Faculty at a Russian University (A Case of the HSE)] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 274-286 (in Russian)
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