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Irina Lazutina

Expert Evaluation of North Eastern Federal University Impact on Human Capital Development of the Sakha Republic

2013. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 137–162 [issue contents]

Irina Lazutina– M.Sc in Cultural Management, Researcher at the Centre for International Comparative Studies of the International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000, Moscow,Russian Federation; E-mail:ilazutina@hse.ru


The article presents the outcomes of the qualitative research conducted within the framework of the project “Analysis of the NEFU’s role in the development of the territory on the basis of the OECD methodology adapted for Russian universities to develop recommendations for enhancement of the university’s influence on innovative, technological, educational and socio-cultural development of the region”, implemented within the contract № 1537-09/12, 24.09.2012 by the Institute of International Organisations of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” and Department for Strategic Development of North Eastern Federal University in 2012.

The research aimed to evaluate NEFU’s impact on facilitating development of the Sakha Republic and Far Eastern Federal District through: 1) human resources education and training; 2) research; 3) knowledge transfer to stimulate region’s socio-economic development; 4) strengthening innovative potential consolidating capabilities of research and education institutions, business, local government and NGOs; 5) attracting advanced international technologies and knowledge and their adaptation to regional conditions.

The author concludes that the university fosters regional development through improving quality of secondary education, improving access to education, particularly in remote areas, extending research activities, enhancing health services for indigenous population and  stimulating local labour market development by training specialists required by the region.


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Citation: Lazutina Irina V. (2013) Ekspertnaia otcenka vklada Severo-Vostochnogo federal'nogo universiteta im. M.K. Ammosova v razvitie chelovecheskogo kapitala Respubliki Sakha (Iakutiia) [Expert Evaluation of North Eastern Federal University Impact on Human Capital Development of the Sakha Republic ] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 137-162 (in Russian)
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