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Olga Perfilieva

Evaluation of the North-Eastern Federal University Role in Innovative, Educational and Cultural Development of the Far Eastern Federal District. Research Methodology

2013. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 100–114 [issue contents]

Olga Perfilieva-PhD in Sociology,Director of the Centre for International Comparative Studies of the International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) ofthe National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail:Perfilieva@hse.ru


The article presents the methodology of a comprehensive research on HEIs’ role in regional development. The methodology was adapted to study the North-Eastern Federal Universityexperiencein facilitating Far Eastern Federal District economic and social development.

To evaluate the university’s role in facilitating regional development three key dimensions were examined: innovation, education and research, socio-cultural sphere. These dimensions correspond to the federal universities’ functions, and meet the development demands of Far Eastern Federal District. A toolkit for analysis of the North-Eastern Federal Universitydevelopment programmeeffectiveness was developed.The research outcomes are of applied nature and can be used for elaboration of the  university’s strategic development concept, and amendment of the ongoing university’s development programme. The research creates a  foundation for the university’s effective contribution to the territory development.

The research was conducted within the framework of the project “Analysis of the NEFU’s role in the development of the territory on the basis of the OECD methodology adapted for Russian universities to develop recommendations for enhancement of the university’s influence on innovative, technological, educational and socio-cultural development of the region”, implemented within the contract № 1537-09/12, 24.09.2012 by the Institute of International Organisations of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” and Department for Strategic Development of North-Eastern Federal University in 2012. 


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Citation: Perfilieva Olga V (2013) Kompleksnaia otcenka roli Severo-Vostochnogo federal'nogo universiteta im. M.K. Ammosova v innovatcionnom, nauchno-obrazovatel'nom i sotcio-kul'turnom razvitii territorii DVFO. Metodologiia issledovaniia [Evaluation of the North-Eastern Federal University Role in Innovative, Educational and Cultural Development of the Far Eastern Federal District. Research Methodology] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 100-114 (in Russian)
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