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Vasiliy Savvinov, Vasiliy Strekalovsky

Meeting Stakeholders’ Needs through Effective University Management

2013. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 87–99 [issue contents]

Vasiliy Savvinov -Head of theDepartment for Strategic Development of the North-Eastern Federal University, 58, Belinskogo, 677000, Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia); E-mail: dagasia@mail.ru

Vasiliy Strekalovsky- Head of the Centre for Monitoring of Higher Education, Department for  Strategic Development of the North-Eastern Federal University, 58, Belinskogo, 677000, Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia); E-mail: dsr_svfu@mail.ru


The article discusses the outcomes of the research conducted by North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk which analyses approaches to meeting stakeholders’ needs through university transformation management. The research included three stands: the role of the university in regional development, foresight studies and forecast of the Russian higher education school development. Two main groups of stakeholders (internal and external) were identified by the researchers. The variety of stakeholders’ needs, motives, objectives forms a basis for universities’ development and strategic planning. The authors discuss the necessity of establishment a special system at a university level that takes into account stakeholders’ interests. This system should include the following elements: stakeholders’ monitoring and evaluation, stakeholders’ informing, providing consultation services, university’s engagement with stakeholders, cooperation with stakeholders to enhance universities’ strategic planning.  This leads to transformation of the universities’ organizational and management structures.

The authors argue that in this context universities can play one of the leading roles in  the regional development as research and educational centres, urban institutions, centres of cultural diversity, think-tanks. Case studies of Russian federal universities were discussed and analysed to support this conclusion.

It was demonstrated that innovative university development responding to stakeholders’ needs requires considerable institutional changes and transformation of universities’ role in regional  development.


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Citation: Savvinov Vasiliy Mikhailovich, Strekalovsky Vasiliy Nikolaevich (2013) Uchet interesov steikkholderov v upravlenii razvitiem obrazovaniia [Meeting Stakeholders’ Needs through Effective University Management ] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 87-99 (in Russian)
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