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Polina Basova, Alexander Borisenko, Alexey Emelyanov, Elena Kozievskaya, Elena Yatsenko

Prospects of the Russian Business Participation in Development Assistance in CIS Countries (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan cases)

2011. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 101–112 [issue contents]

The Eurasia Heritage Foundation Research Group (eds. by E. Kozievskaya, E. Yatsenko)

Basova P., PhD in Law, Head of the Department for Analytical Research of the State Duma, RF; E-mail:basovaps@duma.gov.ru

Emelyanov А., PhD in Psychology, analyst at Communication Group “Active-Media”; E-mail: ae2003@inbox.ru

Kozievskaya E., PhD in Psychology, Director for Development of the Eurasia Heritage Foundation;E-mail: elenavk@fundeh.org

Yatsenko E., PhD in Technical Sciences, President of the Eurasia Heritage Foundation; E-mail:elenaby@fundeh.org

The research conducted by the Eurasia Heritage Foundation in 2009 identified prospects, opportunities andareas of mutually beneficial cooperation for the Russian business to participate in development assistanceprograms. It also reveals barriers and describes support that is required for business engagement indevelopment assistance. On the base of the project analysis the authors provide recommendationsfor government authorities, Russian business institutions, NGOs and international donor community onwidening Russian business participation in development assistance programs.

Citation: Basova Polina Sergeevna, Borisenko Alexander Igorevich, Emelyanov Alexey Leonidovich, Kozievskaya Elena Valer'evna, Yatsenko Elena Borisovna (2011) Perspektivy uchastiya rossiyskogo biznesa v sodeystvii mezhdunarodnomu razvitiyu v stranakh SNG (na primere Kirgizii i Tadzhikistana) [Prospects of the Russian Business Participation in Development Assistance in CIS Countries (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan cases)] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2, pp. 101-112 (in Russian)
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