2010. vol. 5. No. 4
Topic of the Issue
Semion Lyapichev, Third Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, post-graduate student at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of MFA of Russia; E-mail: s.lyapichev@gmail.com The paper presents analysis of the problem of hunger in the world, the reasons leading to it, its consequences and the main trends of fighting against hunger worldwide, including the role and activity of the international organizations. The analysis highlights that there is a threat of the “hungry wars” as a result of the world increase for the food prices. |
Analytical Papers
Vladimir Zuev, PhD in Economics, Professor, Head of International Economic Organisations and European Integration Department of the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics of the State University – Higher School of Economics; E-mail: vzuev@hse.ru The article presents analysis of the function of supranational mechanism to regulate economic and political relations between states. The authors highlights the uncertainty of the transfer process of the regulating functions from states to the supranational level including the international organizations: even the states seem to be “suffered” indeed they get the regulating power in the spheres which are out the national borders. Moreover, the creation of supranational mechanism of regulation indicates the real process of integration that the EU illustrates. |
N. Vasilieva, Dr. of Philosophy, professor at the Department of Global Politics, School of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University; E-mail: nbasil@sir.edu Van Chensin, Master student, School of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University; E-mail:bbob1027@gmail.com How it is possible to qualify the role of science and technology in the modern system of international relations? What is the influence of science and technology on the modern type of world policy and diplomacy? These questions are crucial in the modern discussion of international relations. In the second part of XX century the world politics may be characterized as the period of global competition for energy recourses, in the XXI century it may be characterized as the period of global competition for intellectual recourses, access to high technologies and innovation recourses. |
Arina Shadrikova, Researcher of the Centre for International Comparative Studies of the International Organisations Research Institute of the State University – Higher School of Economics; E-mail: shadrikova.piacquadio@gmail.com The paper presents the analysis of the results the collective efforts made by the countries in the development assistance in the educational sector. The author highlights the evolution of the issue in the agenda of international multilateral institutions and in the international acts signed in the XX century which reflect the startpoint of the MDGs in education and gender equality in education. The special focus is given to the interdependence between statements in the international acts in education, globalization and mechanism and forms of providing the development assistance for education. The article considers the role of Russia in the formulating the G8 Agenda and concentration its efforts for achievement of the declared goals in education. |
Irina Grechuhina, Junior Researcher, of the Informational-Analytical G8 Research Centre of the International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) of the State University – Higher School of Economics, E-mail: Igrechuhina@hse.ru The article presents analysis of the G8 and G20 activities in the spheres of energy and climate change for the period of 2008-2010. The establishment of an effective post-Kyoto climate regime and the global energy security (in a broad sense), in the eyes of the author, were the key problems that defined the range of issues within energy and climate change areas at the G8 and G20 summits during the period of analysis. The author shows the evolution of the issues within each institution and observes the division of labour between the G8 and G20. The conclusion is made that the division of labour between two institutions should be based on the principle of comparative advantage – the issue should be included in the agenda of the institution, which can effectively solve the problem with a higher probability. In that case, the G8 and G20 will reinforce each other’s realization of global governance functions. |
Welcome to a Debate
Olga Perfilieva, PhD in Sociology, Director of the Centre for International Comparative Studies of the International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) of the State University – Higher School of Economics; E-mail: Perfilieva@hse.ru Vitaly Nagornov, PhD in Economics, Deputy Director of the Centre for International Comparative Studies of the International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) of the State University – Higher School of Economics; E-mail: VNagornov@hse.ru The paper presents the practice of the Russian federal universities’ interaction by example of Southern and Siberian FU. The authors search for the ideal form of HEI’s participation in the regional development, analyze the possibilities of conversion to a new level of relations between HEIs, government, business and society. There are similarities and significant differences of the integration of two FU models in the regions’ activities. Basing on the study results the authors come up with recommendations on using the FU opportunities for national priorities of regional development. |
Creative Essay Contest
Petr Andreev, 4th year student of Irkutsk State Railway Transport Engineering University, winner of the Creative Essay Contest “Russia as a Responsible Player in International Development Assistance”; E-mail:fusuco@gmail.com The essay describes the possibility for solution to the global problem of climate change. For the efficient solution it is necessary no just to create a shared vision of long-term goals, but also coordinated international Plan of Action according to which each country will contribute for achieving common goals. |
Nadezda Sporysheva, 2nd year student of State University – Higher School of Economics, winner of the Creative Essay Contest “Russia as a Responsible Player in International Development Assistance”; E-mail: sporysheva.nadya@gmail.com The essay focuses in the issue of sustainable healthcare systems development, in the poorest countries particular, and the taken measures to tackle it in three main areas: maternity care, children’s mortality reduction and struggle against HIV/AIDS and other dangerous diseases. The author highly estimates the impact of intellectual property rights on the possibilities for providing universal access to medical services in the developing countries. |