2010. vol. 5. No. 3
Topic of the Issue
I. Arzhanova, the Executive Director of National Training Foundation, E-mail: info@ntf.ru Modern development processes are changing routine practices of traditional social institutions and force them to work out new mechanisms and development models for successful operation and adaptation to fast-changing conditions. It is true for the Russian Higher Education system which goes through notable structural and conceptual transformation. New foundations for HEIs’ differentiation and further stratification have appeared. Simultaneously HEI, especially universities, strengthen their positions in the system of social and political relationships at national and international levels. In particular, the leading Russian universities contribute to the development of the country and individual regions. Irina Arzhanova, the Executive Director of NTF, discusses aims, new conditions of operation, ways of interaction and perspectives for the Russian system of Higher Education. |
Analytical Papers
O. Perfilieva, PhD in Sociology, Director of the Centre for International Comparative Studies of the International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) of the State University – Higher School of Economics; E-mail: Perfilieva@hse.ru The article presents the description of a research methodology on assessment the social and economic effects for the project implementation on establishing federal universities to the benefit of regions, industry and education system based on an international methodology for assessing the role of universities in regional development under the OECD programme “Institutional Management in Higher Education”. The research has been completed in the framework of the project “Education” under the activities “Development of the Federal Universities Network” and “Development of the National Research Universities Network” during September – October 2010. A detailed description of the results of the international methodology adaptation to the Russian conditions and strengthening positions of the federal universities is presented. A sociological research in two federal universities (Southern and Siberian) is described. |
D. Coughlan, the Director of the Center for Life Long Learning, University of Limerick, Ireland, E-mail: lifelonglearning@ul.ie Janice O’Connell, B.Sc Grad. Dip. MSc., Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of the Department of Information Technology within the School of Science, Engineering & Information Technology at the Limerick Institute of Technology Murphy Eamonn, Prof., Director of the Enterprise Research Centre of the University of Limerick, Ireland; E-mail: Eamonn.Murphy@ul.ie The article discusses the issue of knowledge and innovations influence on business processes. The author reviews different business strategies and analyses the role of knowledge and innovations based on this knowledge. The relationship between modern business techniques, creative and entrepreneurial capacity and knowledge economy is described in the article. The paper also focuses on human capital in transformation strategies. |
A. Melikyan, a lecturer at the Department of Business Informatics, the Head of the Department for Students’ Mobility; E-mail: amelikyan@hse.ru The paper presents main tendencies on the issue of equity in Tertiary Education observed in OECD countries. It also discusses factors that influence the issue, best practices of other countries, OECD recommendations and opportunity analysis of their implementation in Russia in order to provide equity in Tertiary Education. |
Simon Marginson, Professor of Higher Education in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne; E-mail: s.marginson@unimelb.edu.au Marijk van der Wende, Professor in Higher Education at the University of Amsterdam and honorary professor at the Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente. The presented paper is a translation of the first chapter of the OECD publication “Higher Education to 2030”. The article describes a conceptual framework that explains dynamics between Higher Education and globalisation. A range of strategic elements, that are typical both for countries and HEIs are discussed. Various systems of Higher Education with the emphasis on the research capacity of HEIs and their ability to effective operation are presented. Finally, issues of globalisation influence on transformation of traditional relationships between Higher Education and national landscape are reviewed. |
Stephan Vincent-Lancrin, a Senior Analyst and Project Manager at the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI); E-mail: stephan.vincent-lancrin@oecd.org The presented article is a translation of the second chapter of the OECD publication “Higher Education to 2030”. The paper provides analysis of the future of cross-boarder Higher Education and particularly students’ mobility. After discussing some main tendencies in cross-boarder Higher Education and describing key strategies of internationalisation, the development of students’ mobility in midterm is justified. Various national strategies and approaches on internationalisation are analysed. |
Karine Tremblay, a Senior Survey Manager in the OECD Directorate for Education; E-mail: ahelo@oecd.org The presented paper is a translation of the tenth chapter of the OECD publication “Tertiary Education for Knowledge Society”. The review of internationalisation in tertiary education is provided. The article is focused on conceptions and forms of internationalisation, tendencies and development process in tertiary education internationalisation. Main problems and political challenges related to them are discussed. Countries political initiatives in the internationalisation context are also described. |
Welcome to a Debate
A. Morozov, the President of CBOSS Association; E-mail: email@cboss.ru Recent changes in Higher Education policy provide new opportunities for modern universities development based on interaction and creating new partnerships with various stakeholders. Building relationships between Russian universities and a private sector is one of the major trends. Andrei Morozov, the President of CBOSS Association, discusses new specific ways of interaction between Russian companies and HEIs. |