ContactsISSN (Online) 2542-2081 Contacts: Postal address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 109028 National Research University Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Journal (IORJ) editors office Actual address: Office 308, 33, Profsoyuznaya street, bld. 4, Moscow, 117418
Anton Dedusenko, Olga Perfilieva, Alena ShvetsThe Terms and Notions of International Cooperation for Development and their Comparability with the Russian Legislation
Vol. 4.
No. 4.
P. 65–99
[issue contents]
Anton Dedusenko, PhD in Law, M.I.L.E. of the World Trade Institute, Head of International Law Division, Atomstroyexport; dedusenko@hotmail.com Olga Perfilieva, PhD in Sociology, Deputy Director of the Informational – Analytical G8 Research Centre of the State University – Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute; Perfilieva@hse.ru Alena Shvets, Junior Researcher of the G8 Research Centre of the State University – Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute; aashvets@gmail.com There were never be codifying statute or authorized legislation system in Russia (or former Soviet Union) in the sphere of development assistance in spite of corresponding norms adopted within contemporary Russian legislation. It is explained the need for new approach to develop national legislation on development assistance and code of terminology used in this sphere. The article analyzes the correspondence of the Russian Federation’s legislation to international law, regulating activities of the donor states in economic development assistance provision to the developing countries and emerging economies. The authors give recommendations to establish the national legislation in the sphere of international development assistance and cooperation starting from the corresponding terms and notions base.
Dedusenko Anton S, Perfilieva Olga V, Shvets Alena A (2009) Sravnitel'no-pravovoy analiz osnovnykh terminov i ponyatiy v sfere sodeystviya razvitiyu v rossiyskom i mezhdunarodnom zakonodatel'stve [The Terms and Notions of International Cooperation for Development and their Comparability with the Russian Legislation] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 4, pp. 65-99 (in Russian)
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