ContactsISSN (Online) 2542-2081 Contacts: Postal address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 109028 National Research University Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Journal (IORJ) editors office Actual address: Office 308, 33, Profsoyuznaya street, bld. 4, Moscow, 117418
Marina Larionova1, Yuriy Zaitsev, Mark Rakhmangulov, Arina Shadrikova, Tatyana Lanshina, Yuliya Ovchinnikova, Igor Churkin, Natalya ChurkinaG8 Hokkaido Summit 2008 Final Compliance Report. Russia
Vol. 4.
No. 3.
P. 12–35
[issue contents]
IORI-HSE G8 Research Group (eds. M.Larionova, Y.Zaytsev) Larionova Marina- Doctor of Political Science, Director of the State University – Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute Zaitsev Yurij– Researcher of the Informational – Analytical G8 Research Centre of the of the State University – Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute Rakhmangulov Mark - Researcher of the Informational – Analytical G8 Research Centre of the of the State University – Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute Shadrikova Arina - Junior Researcher of the OECD-HSE Partnership Centre of the State University – Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute Lanshina Tatyana - Student of the Faculty of World Economics and World Politics of the State University – Higher School of Economics Ovchinnikova Yuliya - Student of the Faculty of World Economics and World Politics of the State University – Higher School of Economics Churkin Igor - Student of the Financial Academy of the Government of the Russian Federation Churkina Natalya - Junior Researcher of the Informational – Analytical G8 Research Centre of the of the State University – Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute 2008 G8 compliance report is a comprehensive analysis of the G8 countries’, including individual efforts of Russia to comply with commitments made at Toyako (Japan). The report presents key findings from the analysis that could be a helpful to assess effectiveness of the G8 and provides information on actions undertaken by the G8 member states and the G8 summit outcomes in general. Final compliance report covers the period from August 2008 till June 2009. It contains analysis of compliance by the G8 countries with 20 commitments from such priority spheres as economic and financial stability, Africa development, climate change, energy efficiency, non-proliferation, counter-terrorism and regional security.
Larionova Marina V, Zaitsev Yuriy K, Rakhmangulov Mark R, Shadrikova Arina P, Lanshina Tatyana A, Ovchinnikova Yuliya I, Churkin Igor M, Churkina Natalya M (2009) Itogovyy doklad o vypolnenii obyazatel'stv «Gruppy vos'mi», prinyatykh na sammite 2008 g. v Toyako (Yaponiya). Rossiya. [G8 Hokkaido Summit 2008 Final Compliance Report. Russia ] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 3, pp. 12-35 (in Russian)
international development assistance;
multilateral trade;
climate change;
official development assistance;
energy efficiency;
non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
fighting infectious diseases;
intellectual property rights;
regional security;
food security;
millennium development goals;