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Sergey Medvedev, Igor Tomashov

Knowledge and Education as Global Public Goods

2009. Vol. 4. No. 2. P. 121–125 [issue contents]

Medvedev Sergey – professor, PhD in History, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Political Sciences of the State University – Higher School of Economics

Tomashov Igor – BA Student of the Faculty of Applied Political Sciences of the State University – Higher School of Economics

A growing role of knowledge as a factor for the development of modern societies stimulates the international community to address the problems of education and science more actively. Today fighting illiteracy and protecting intellectual property rights are common problems for the international community. New solutions can be found by analyzing knowledge and education as global public goods. This chapter examines the problems of international cooperation in the field of education, paying special attention to the initiatives of the G8 and the EU.

Citation: Medvedev Sergey A, Tomashov Igor A (2009) Znanie i obrazovanie kak global'nye obshchestvennye blaga [Knowledge and Education as Global Public Goods] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2, pp. 121-125 (in Russian)
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