Образование, наука, новая экономика

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ISSN (Print) 1996-7845

ISSN (Online) 2542-2081


Почтовый адрес: Покровский бульвар, д.11, Москва, Россия, 109028
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Редакция журнала "Вестник международных организаций"

Фактический адрес: 117418, Москва, ул. Профсоюзная, д. 33, корп. 4, ком. 308

Тел.: +7 495 772-95-90 добав. 23150 

E-mail: iorj@hse.ru

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Ларионова М. В.1, Рахмангулов М. Р.
  • 1 Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ (РАНХиГС), 119034, Россия, Москва, Пречистенская наб., д. 11

A Tale of Two Institutions. New Figures, New Opportunities

2010. Т. 5. № 5. С. 68–92 [содержание номера]

Marina Larionova, Dr. of Political Science, Head of the International Organisations Research Institute, University - Higher School of Economics; Head of International Programmes, National Training Foundation; E-mail: mlarionova@hse.ru, larionova@ntf.ru

Mark Rakhmangulov, Deputy Director of the G8 Research Centre of the International Organisations Research Institute of the University – Higher School of Economics; E-mail: MRakhmangulov@hse.ru

The paper analyses efforts made by the G8 and G20 in the sphere of international development assistance. The assessment of the G8 and G20 agendas on development, the capabilities of two institutions to respond to and address the changes occurring in global agenda for development is implemented on the basis of the commitments made and compliance performance. The commitments database covers the G8 pledges made during the period of 1975 – 2009, and the G20 commitments on development made since its first summit in 2008. The paper examines the capacities for cooperation of two institutions and possible division of labor between them. Given the forthcoming chairmanship of Russia in the G8 summitry in 2014, the recommendations presented aim to define priorities for the agenda and facilitate the promotion of Russia’s national interests in international development assistance at the G8 forum.

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