Образование, наука, новая экономика

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SCImago Journal & Country Rank

ISSN (Print) 1996-7845

ISSN (Online) 2542-2081


Почтовый адрес: Покровский бульвар, д.11, Москва, Россия, 109028
Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»
Редакция журнала "Вестник международных организаций"

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Индексирование журнала



Рахмангулов М. Р.

Establishing International Development Assistance Strategy in Russia

2010. Т. 5. № 5. С. 50–67 [содержание номера]

Mark Rakhmangulov, Deputy Director of the G8 Research Centre, International Organisations Research Institute, University – Higher School of Economics; E-mail: MRakhmangulov@hse.ru

The paper analyses the process of establishment and development of the national system of international development assistance in Russia. The analysis covers the period starting from 2005 when key national priorities for international development assistance were defined and amounts of foreign aid were substantially increased on the threshold of Russia’s G8 Presidency preparations. The emerging structure of governance, the aid flows and amounts of allocated ODA, as well as the funding priorities in the sphere of development assistance are described on the basis of the analysis of official documents, statements and speeches of officials, reports of international institutions, and statistics available for public access. Russia’s participation in multilateral international organizations and institutions in the sphere of development cooperation is also considered. Drawing on the results of the analysis the author proposes recommendations for further development of the national system of international development assistance in Russia.

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