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Vladimir Kovalev1
  • 1 Eurasian Economic Commission, Russian Federation, 119121, Moscow, 3/5 Smolensky Boulevard, bld. 1

Sustainable Development and Competition: Ways to Achieve Technological Transformation Through the Prism of Law

2025. Vol. 20. No. 1. P. [issue contents]

The multilateral agenda of international relations in the current context is extremely fragmented, and sustainable development remains one of the few issues
on which it is still possible to reach a consensus. The achievement of both the sustainable development goals and technological transformation of the economy, which is extremely necessary against the background of numerous challenges, could be best solved with complementary competitive market principles and pro-competitive government regulation. This article summarizes theoretical and practical approaches to the integration of sustainable development and competition (antitrust) policy through the prism of legal regulation.The assumption is made that competition authorities should directly take part in this activity, forming a balance between the application of antitrust legislation and business activities to achieve sustainability. Both “hard” and “soft” law at various levels are considered and the law enforcement activities of antitrust authorities are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the functioning of international organizations and integration associations such as the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). It is argued that one of the most rational forms of achieving synergy between issues of sustainable development, technological transformation, and competition is the harmonization of approaches at the regional level, for example, within the framework of integration associations’ and international organizations’ activities. In this regard, some ways of applying the studied experience in the Eurasian Economic Union are suggested.

This article was submitted on 28.08.2024

Citation: Kovalev V. (2025) Ustoychivoe razvitie i konkurentsiya: put' k tekhnologicheskoy transformatsii skvoz' prizmu prava [Sustainable Development and Competition: Ways to Achieve Technological Transformation Through the Prism of Law]. INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, vol. 20, no 1 (in Russian)
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