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Ivan Ermokhin1, Diana Kucherova2
  • 1 RANEPA, 82 Vernadsky Avenue, Moscow, 119571, Russia
  • 2 Russian Foreign Trade Academy (VAVT, Ministry of Economic Development) , Russian Federation, 119285, Moscow, Vorobyovskoye sh., 8

The Impact of Climate Policies on Russiaʼs Global Competitivenessin the Context of Sanctions

2024. Vol. 19. No. 4. P. 106–123 [issue contents]

The expansion of climate change measures on decarbonization and adaptation are implemented by countries in nationallegislation, including obligations to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) by nationally determined contributions that have animpact on integration processes, as climate obligations are primarily linked to the realization of collective actions by theinternational community. For example, WTO in its report on the interaction of climate and trade issues [Trade and ClimateChange, 2022] was pointed to 4,355 trade measures in agreements that are aimed to achieve the climate goals. The topic ofclimate change particularly affects the energy and metals sectors, in which Russia is currently a key exporter. For example,climate change has brought into focus the issue of ensuring stable supplies of critical raw materials that is needed for theenergy transition. Since Russia is currently a key exporter of certain goods, it seems relevant to consider how climate actionby Russian importers will affect Russiaʼs positioning in foreign trade under international sanctions. As a result of the study,the authors formulate proposals for Russia to take national measures, taking into account the exports changes.

The article was prepared as part of the research work of the state task of the RANEPA

This article was submitted on 14.06.2024.

Citation: Ermokhin I., Kucherova D. (2024) The Impact of Climate Policies on Russiaʼs Global Competitivenessin the Context of Sanctions. International Organisations Research Journal, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 106–123 (in English).
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