ContactsISSN (Online) 2542-2081 Contacts: Postal address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 109028 National Research University Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Journal (IORJ) editors office Actual address: Office 308, 33, Profsoyuznaya street, bld. 4, Moscow, 117418
Marina Larionova1The EU’s Policies for the Green Deal Internationalization
Vol. 16.
No. 3.
P. 124–160
[issue contents]
The European Union (EU) aspires to become a global climate power. Climate neutrality became the guiding principle, the goal, and the pillar of the EU’s external policy after the Green Deal endorsement. The Green Deal is internationalized through a system of external policy instruments, including financial, trade and investment mechanisms, carbon border adjustment and emission trading, agreements with other countries, development support, and promotion of the EU’s regulation and standards through cooperation in international institutions. The normative documents and proposals on the key initiatives have been put forward, and the formats and plans for implementation are being discussed and defined. In this context, it is important to analyze the EU’s initiatives for internationalization of green transformation goals and to identify risks and opportunities related to their implementation. This article reviews the array of external policy instruments and initiatives deployed by the EU: the new trade policy of “open strategic autonomy” and the initiative on trade and sustainable development in the World Trade Organization (WTO); the framework for the screening of foreign direct investments and the taxonomy of environmentally sustainable investment and economic activity; new approaches to energy security and the building of global energy markets, including norms and standards for hydrogen markets; and the new neighbourhood policy, including the new strategy for Central Asia and the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument. Giventheinitialstageofthe initiative’s implementation,thestudyfocusesonthe adopted documentsandplanned actions. The author assesses the potential impact of climate policy internationalization instruments on EU-Russia economic cooperation and on EU leadership in shaping global climate governance. Theauthorassertsthatanumberofinstrumentsbearrisksforthe Russian Federation’s economicprojects and proposes recommendations for abating them. With regardtoglobalgovernance, the EU’s commitment to integrate climate goals into the global agenda may serve as a bridge for inclusive governance. At the same time, the EU’s determination to impose its priorities through carrot and stick incentives, including through economic measures, on partners not sharing the EU’s approach may be destructive. The author concludes that the EU’s capacity to build constructive engagement with partners will be a test of the EU’s real leadership. Given that the Green Deal’s external dimension is intended not only to promote EU priorities and values, but also to advance the global public good, controversies arise with regard to the instruments, not the goals. Thus, it is in the interests of Russia, as well as other partners directly affected, not to oppose the export of the EU’s climate policy, but to cooperate to mitigate unintended consequences of its deployment and to shape inclusive global governance.
Larionova M. (2021) The EU’s Policies for the Green Deal Internationalization // International Organizations Research Journal, vol. 16 no 3, pp. 124-160 (in Russian).
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