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P. Jdanov

A Network-Based Approach to G20

2013. Vol. 8. No. 3. P. 61–72 [issue contents]

Pavel Jdanov - PhD student at the Department of World Politics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000, Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail:p.jdanov@gmail.com


In the contemporary world interstate networks and networks of non-governmental organizations form the net of the new world order. These networks gradually acquire their own identity, separate from the states, and start acting independently.

The presented article is an attempt to review the G20 in terms and categories of a network approach. For this purpose, the author identifies six characteristic network variables with specific values: the network resources, the group interest, the lack of a classical hierarchy, the culture of political consensus, the potential for change and heterogeneity of the network actors. Interconnection of the G20 characteristics and the selected variables is analysed and the G20 network nature is proved.

In addition to the qualitative characteristics, the network-based approach enables to examine the quantitative characteristics and reflect the network graphical structure. To illustrate capabilities of network approach the author constructs a network where the communication parameter is getting the country from G20 in the top-5 trading partners in the trade balance for 2011-2012.

The analysis demonstrates that the quantity and density of links in the G8 is significantly higher than in the BRICS.  It is also shown that economic integration of the G7 countries is stronger than integration of the G8 countries. The analysis reveals that the links within G7 are bilateral. The BRICS countries are bound more by the common political positions than economic integration.  

The author argues that the network approach can be helpful both for political systems and G20 analysis. However, its application depends on defining a set of criteria to identify political and economic links between actors. 


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Citation: Jdanov P. A. (2013) «Gruppa dvadtcati» v terminakh i kategoriiakh setevogo podkhoda [A Network-Based Approach to G20] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 3 (in Russian)
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