Deklaracija «O predostavlenii nezavisimosti kolonial'nym stranam i narodam». Prinjata Rezoljuciej GA OON A/RES/1514(XV) ot 14.12.1960 g. [Declaration “On the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples”. Resolution adopted by UN General Assembly A/RES/1514 (XV) from 14.12.1960]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
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Deklaracija Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij «O pravah korennyh narodov». Prinjata Rezoljuciej GA OON A/RES/61/295 ot 17.03.2008 g. [United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Resolution adopted by UN General Assembly A/RES/61/295 from 17.03.2008]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
Deklaracija tysjacheletija Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Prinjata Rezoljuciej GA OON 55/2 ot 08.09.2000 g. [United Nations Millennium Declaration. Adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 55/2 of 08.09.2000]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
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Doklad Tret'ego komiteta GA OON A/66/461 ot 30.12.2011 g. «Pravo narodov na samoopredelenie». Razdel III [Report of the Third Committee of UN General Assembly A/66/461 of 30.12.2011 “Right of Peoples to Self-Determination." Section III]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
Doklad Chetvertogo komiteta GA OON A/66/434 ot 19.10.2011 g. «Osushhestvlenie Deklaracii o predostavlenii nezavisimosti kolonial'nym stranam i narodam» [Report of the Fourth Committee of UN General Assembly A/66/434 of 19.10.2011 “Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples”]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
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Mezhdunarodnyj pakt «O grazhdanskih i politicheskih pravah». Prinjat rezoljuciej GA OON A/RES/2200A(XXI) ot 16.12.1966 g. [International Covenant “On Civil and Political Rights” Adopted by UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/2200A (XXI) 16.12.1966]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
Pravo narodov na samoopredelenie: ideja i voploshhenie [The Right of Peoples to Self-Determination: Idea and Realization]. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
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Rezoljucija GA OON A/RES/44/84 ot 11.12.1989 g. «Dejatel'nost' inostrannyh jekonomicheskih i drugih krugov, kotoraja prepjatstvuet osushhestvleniju Deklaracii o predostavlenii nezavisimosti kolonial'nym stranam i narodam v Namibii…» [UNGA Resolution A/RES/44/84 11.12.1989, the “Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Namibia...”]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
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Ustav Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Podpisan 26.06.1945 g. [The United Nations Charter. 26.06.1945]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2013).
Venskaja Deklaracija. Prinjata na Vsemirnoj Konferencii po pravam cheloveka GA OON A/conf.17/24 ot 13.10.1993 g. [The Vienna Declaration. Adopted at the World Conference on Human Rights UN General Assembly A/conf.17/24 from 13.10.1993]. Oficial'nyj sajt Organizacii Ob’edinennyh Nacij. Available at: (PARTI) (accessed 14.03.2013).