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Nikolay Medyshevsky

Comparative Analysis of the Far Eastern Federal District Regions’ Potential and Evaluation of the Regional Higher Education System Capabilities to Meet Innovative Development Needs of the Territory

2013. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 115–136 [issue contents]

Nikolay Medyshevsky- PhD in Political Science, Lecturer at the Department for World Culture and Democracy (UNESCO), Russian State University for Humanities; Researcher at the Centre for International Comparative Studies of the International Organisations Research Institute (IORI) of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 6, Miusskaya sq.,125993, Moscow,Russian Federation; E-mail: lucky5659@yandex.ru


The article presents the outcomes of the desk study on the role of the North-Eastern University in innovative, technological, educational, and socio-cultural development of the Far Eastern Federal District regions. The analysis systemizes socio-economic processes of the territory development and builds an evidence base for developing recommendations on strengthening the North Eastern Federal University potential in innovative regional development.

The author concludes that the university should be more specific with identifying its mission and objectives to be able to develop the strategy aimed at meeting regional development needs. Development and prioritizing of the university’s third role will enable the institution to enhance its research and educational potential (particularly in the area of modern technologies). Thorough analysis of the university’s  functions and regional needs helps to identify its’ niche in the region.

The article is prepared within the framework of the project “Analysis of the NEFU’s role in the development of the territory on the basis of the OECD methodology adapted for Russian universities to develop recommendations for enhancement of the university’s influence on innovative, technological, educational and socio-cultural development of the region”, implemented within the contract № 1537-09/12, 24.09.2012 by the Institute of International Organisations of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” and Department for Strategic Development of North Eastern Federal University in 2012.


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Citation: Medyshevsky Nikolay A (2013) Sravnitel'nyi analiz potentciala regionov Dal'nevostochnogo federal'nogo okruga i otcenka vozmozhnostei regional'noi sistemy vysshego obrazovaniia dlia innovatcionnogo razvitiia territorii [Comparative Analysis of the Far Eastern Federal District Regions’ Potential and Evaluation of the Regional Higher Education System Capabilities to Meet Innovative Development Needs of the Territory] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 115-136 (in Russian)
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