

ISSN (Print) 1996-7845

ISSN (Online) 2542-2081


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A Borzova

Brazil Approaches to the UN Reform

2012. Vol. 7. No. 3. P. 237–245 [issue contents]

The article examines Brazil's approaches to the UN reform, and in particular the UN Security Council. Brazil participates in the work of major international institutions, such as the UN, WTO, G20, and considers them to be the only effective tools for addressing major global challenges. The author discuses the country’s vision of peacekeeping operations, humanitarian missions, and hunger and poverty reduction and analyzes the priorities of Brazilian assistance to other developing economies.The author describes several concepts proposed by Brazil for implementation by the UN in the area of peace-keeping and peace-building. The “responsibility while protect” concept is considered as a supplement to “responsibility to protect” and is aimed at reducing the risks of military conflicts. The Friends of Mediation concept highlights the need for all military interventions to be fully controlled by the UN. The article specifies actions taken by Brazil to promote its ideas within the UN.Development assistance is considered to be another element of Brazilian “preventive diplomacy”. Most activities in this area are focused on neighbouring states in South America and on African countries and aimed at addressing poverty and starvation, strengthening health systems and fighting against communicable diseases, tackling climate change, ensuring sustainable development and protecting human rights. The author describes the system created to manage and assess the effectiveness of Brazil’s engagement in development assistance.The author identifies the interdependence between security and development as one of the main drivers of Brazilian foreign policy and highlights the country’s commitments to major international institutions and to the reform of the UN as a centre of the global governance system coordinating efforts to address major global challenges. 

Citation: Borzova A Yu (2012) Podkhody Brazilii k reformirovaniyu OON [Brazil Approaches to the UN Reform] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 3, pp. 237-245 (in Russian)
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