

ISSN (Print) 1996-7845

ISSN (Online) 2542-2081


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Nadezda Sporysheva

Creation of Stable Healthcare Systems in the Developing Countries for Providing Universal Access to Medical Services

2010. Vol. 5. No. 4. P. 91–95 [issue contents]

Nadezda Sporysheva, 2nd year student of State University – Higher School of Economics, winner of the Creative Essay Contest “Russia as a Responsible Player in International Development Assistance”; E-mail: sporysheva.nadya@gmail.com

The essay focuses in the issue of sustainable healthcare systems development, in the poorest countries particular, and the taken measures to tackle it in three main areas: maternity care, children’s mortality reduction and struggle against HIV/AIDS and other dangerous diseases. The author highly estimates the impact of intellectual property rights on the possibilities for providing universal access to medical services in the developing countries.

Citation: Sporysheva Nadezda A (2010) Razvitie ustoychivykh sistem zdravookhraneniya v razvivayushchikhsya stranakh s tsel'yu obespecheniya vseobshchego dostupa k meditsinskim uslugam [Creation of Stable Healthcare Systems in the Developing Countries for Providing Universal Access to Medical Services] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 4, pp. 91-95 (in Russian)
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