

ISSN (Print) 1996-7845

ISSN (Online) 2542-2081


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Anton Dedusenko

Analyzing OECD International Instruments for Cooperation

2009. Vol. 4. No. 4. P. 55–64 [issue contents]

Anton Dedusenko – PhD in Law, M.I.L.E. of the World Trade Institute, Head of International Law Division, Atomstroyexport; dedusenko@hotmail.com

The article analyzes multilateral international institutions’ instruments, regulating international cooperation of the donor states for development and development assistance, partner countries, obtaining aid, and international organisations and institutions, providing support and institutional basis for the international development assistance and cooperation. The focus is given to the correspondence of the Russian Federation legislation to the OECD international instruments for cooperation in the sphere of development assistance. The results achieved from the comparative analysis form the basis to formulate recommendations on elaboration the Russian Federation’s legislation in the sphere of development and development assistance in the future.

Citation: Dedusenko Anton S (2009) Analiz instrumentov (aktov) OESR v sfere sodeystviya razvitiyu [Analyzing OECD International Instruments for Cooperation] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 4, pp. 55-64 (in Russian)
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