ContactsISSN (Online) 2542-2081 Contacts: Postal address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 109028 National Research University Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Journal (IORJ) editors office Actual address: Office 308, 33, Profsoyuznaya street, bld. 4, Moscow, 117418
(Translation ed. by: Tatyana Meshkova)Four Future Scenarios for Higher Education
Vol. 4.
No. 1.
P. 121–128
[issue contents]
OECD Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) The paper presents the translation of the document “Four Future Scenarios for Higher Education” prepared by the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), provides a vision of the OECD experts on different pathways for the higher education development in long-term perspectives and welcomes readers to think and reflect on proposed scenarios by answering questions on future of higher education such as: Where are we going? Where should we go and why? How can we get there?
(2009) Chetyre stsenariya budushchego razvitiya vysshego obrazovaniya [Four Future Scenarios for Higher Education] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 121-128 (in Russian)