ContactsISSN (Online) 2542-2081 Contacts: Postal address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 109028 National Research University Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Journal (IORJ) editors office Actual address: Office 308, 33, Profsoyuznaya street, bld. 4, Moscow, 117418
Sergey Medvedev, Igor TomashovPromoting “Russian Dimension” in European and Post-Soviet Countries Higher Education
Vol. 3.
No. 7-8.
P. 58–70
[issue contents]
S. Medvedev, Professor of the Public Policy Department, State University – Higher School of Economics, I. Tomashov, BA Student of the Public Policy Department, State University – Higher School of Economics The growing role of Russia on the world stage makes us reassess and suggest new mechanisms of development of Russia’s so-called “Soft Power”. Cooperation in the field of higher education is one of the ways of improving Russia’s image abroad. Nowadays Russia has enough will and resources to change its position on the international education market from the supplier of students and specialists to the provider of education services. Promoting “Russian Dimension” in European education may become the first step on the way of internationalization of education in Russia. The experience of individual European countries and of the EU shows that, first of all, Russian government has to ensure that foreign students and specialists coming to Russia are supported both financially and logistically. Secondly, it is necessary to create a special federal agency for promoting Russian education abroad and the network of its offices in different European countries. Finally, Russia has to adopt a strategy of internationalization of its education and to launch a variety of programs designed for foreign students interested in Russian studies.
Medvedev Sergey A, Tomashov Igor A (2008) Strategiya prodvizheniya «rossiyskogo izmereniya» v obrazovatel'nykh programmakh vuzov ES i byvshego postsovetskogo prostranstva [Promoting “Russian Dimension” in European and Post-Soviet Countries Higher Education] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 7-8, pp. 58-70 (in Russian)
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