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Boris Zhelezov

International Mechanisms for Monitoring and Assessment of Educational Systems

2008. Vol. 3. No. 6. P. 28–38 [issue contents]

B. Zhelezov, Deputy-Director for International Relations, State University – Higher School of Economics, MBA, PhD in Political Science

Project based, result oriented approach to development of national education systems as well as international educational initiatives, growth of resources appropriated for educational projects actualize the issue of monitoring and assessment mechanisms.

This paper provides a brief historical review of monitoring in education as well as a review of monitoring mechanisms embedded in the most significant All -European initiatives, the majority of which are conducted  with the Russian involvement.

Finally, it provides the general profile of monitoring which should be considered as the basic for all educational projects. 

Citation: Zhelezov Boris V (2008) Mezhdunarodnyy opyt monitoringa i otsenki sistem obrazovaniya [International Mechanisms for Monitoring and Assessment of Educational Systems] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 6, pp. 28-38 (in Russian)
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