ContactsISSN (Online) 2542-2081 Contacts: Postal address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 109028 National Research University Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Journal (IORJ) editors office Actual address: Office 308, 33, Profsoyuznaya street, bld. 4, Moscow, 117418
Marina Larionova1G8 Hokkaido summit achievements and failures
Vol. 3.
No. 5.
P. 4–19
[issue contents]
M. Larionova, Director of the International Organizations Research Institute, State University – Higher School of Economics The paper looks into the main outcomes of the summit at Hokkaido Toyako, its achievemnets and failures. The analysis focuses on the main factors contributing to the summit success, and challenges for forging consensus, drawing conclusions for future summitry. Assessing contradictions between the G8 and G5 and other outreach countries surfacing in the summit documents, the author possits that the Heiligendamm process is developing into a new “G5” and that the fomular of expanded participation changes the nature of the summitry.
Larionova Marina V (2008) Uspekhi i neudachi sammita na Khokkaydo [G8 Hokkaido summit achievements and failures] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 5, pp. 4-19 (in Russian)
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