ContactsISSN (Online) 2542-2081 Contacts: Postal address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Moscow, Russia, 109028 National Research University Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Journal (IORJ) editors office Actual address: Office 308, 33, Profsoyuznaya street, bld. 4, Moscow, 117418
E Kvochko, Tatyana Lanshina, Marina Larionova1Outcomes of the UK Presidency in the EU. Deal on the EU 2007-2013 Budget
Vol. 1.
No. 1.
P. 6–13
[issue contents]
The paper presents analysis of the UK presidency in the EU in 2005, its priorities and outcomes, reflected in the EU and UK documents and formal statements of the leaders. The analysis leads to a conclusion that in spite of the density of the Presidency agenda and simultaneous responsibility for the G8 Chairmanship, the Presidency achieved most of its objectives including successful agreement of the EU 2007-2013 financial perspective.
Kvochko E A, Lanshina Tatyana A, Larionova Marina V (2006) Analiz rezul'tatov prezidentstva Velikobritanii v ES. Byudzhet ES 2007-2013 gg. [Outcomes of the UK Presidency in the EU. Deal on the EU 2007-2013 Budget] INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL, 1, pp. 6-13 (in Russian)