@ARTICLE{26583242_459408740_2021, author = {Olga Bazhenova}, keywords = {, United States, Major Non-NATO Ally, MNNA, D. Trumpforeign assistance}, title = {The Major non-NATO Ally Status: Characteristics, Chronology, Geographical Distribution}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2021}, month = {4}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, pages = {162-171}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2021-16-1/459408740.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {In recent years, the "Major non-NATO ally" (MNNA) status has become more prominent in American foreign policy. Media representatives are interested in following: who will be the next MNNA, what privileges will the country receive, and can the status be granted as an alternative of joining NATO? The purpose of the article is to illuminate the prerequisites for status appearance and its legal foundations, to study the MNNA’s role as the American foreign policy instrument.}, annote = {In recent years, the "Major non-NATO ally" (MNNA) status has become more prominent in American foreign policy. Media representatives are interested in following: who will be the next MNNA, what privileges will the country receive, and can the status be granted as an alternative of joining NATO? The purpose of the article is to illuminate the prerequisites for status appearance and its legal foundations, to study the MNNA’s role as the American foreign policy instrument.} }