@ARTICLE{26583242_418769367_2020, author = {Andrei Shelepov}, keywords = {, corporate taxationdigitalization}, title = {Review of the IMF Working Paper “Tec(h)tonic Shifts: Taxing the “Digital Economy”}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2020}, month = {12}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {204-209}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2020-15-4/418769367.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The working paper is devoted to the issues of taxation in the digital economy. The main focus is on the concept of "user value". The authors argue that the widespread adoption of this concept has led to developing new approaches to calculating this value and the subsequent taxation of companies that profit from the use of user data.The working paper examines the steps taken at the country level to develop taxation based on user value and the difficulties of implementing the concept. Nevertheless, the authors come to the conclusion that reforming the global tax system in this direction is inevitable.}, annote = {The working paper is devoted to the issues of taxation in the digital economy. The main focus is on the concept of "user value". The authors argue that the widespread adoption of this concept has led to developing new approaches to calculating this value and the subsequent taxation of companies that profit from the use of user data.The working paper examines the steps taken at the country level to develop taxation based on user value and the difficulties of implementing the concept. Nevertheless, the authors come to the conclusion that reforming the global tax system in this direction is inevitable.} }