@ARTICLE{26583242_88619873_2013, author = {Dinara Gershinkova}, keywords = {, the Kyoto Protocol, Framework Convention on Climate Change, procedure rulesconsensus}, title = {Breaching Procedures at the UN Doha Climate Change Conference in December 2012}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2013}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2013-8-2/88619873.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Dinara Gershinkova - Chief Assistant at the Department of Advisers to the President of the Russian Federation, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; 103132, 4, Staraya sq., Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail:gdinara@list.ru,.AbstractThe article analyses the precedent of a breach of procedures that took place at the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC / 8th Meeting of the Parties of the Kyoto Protocol: the decision on the 2nd commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol was adopted by "consensus" in spite of an explicit objection of Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine. The final stage of the Conference took place in flagrant violation of the procedure’s regulations, which causes serious damage to the multilateral efforts to secure a just and lasting solution to the problem of global climate change. At the final plenary session the Russian Federation and Ukraine signaled their intention to make a statement on the content of the draft amendment (a statement on behalf of a group of countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus). But the request was ignored by the chairman. The Russian delegation was given a permission to speak only after the decision was taken.The author discusses various definitions of the term "consensus" used in international law, including the comments of the UN Secretariat Office for Legal Affairs on the term "consensus". The paper presents an analysis of possible counteractions of the countries which interests were affected. According to the author procedural violations in Doha may delay the Doha amendments ratification by member states and reduce the number of potential participants with quantitative commitments  in the second period of the protocol.}, annote = {Dinara Gershinkova - Chief Assistant at the Department of Advisers to the President of the Russian Federation, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; 103132, 4, Staraya sq., Moscow, Russian Federation; E-mail:gdinara@list.ru,.AbstractThe article analyses the precedent of a breach of procedures that took place at the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC / 8th Meeting of the Parties of the Kyoto Protocol: the decision on the 2nd commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol was adopted by "consensus" in spite of an explicit objection of Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine. The final stage of the Conference took place in flagrant violation of the procedure’s regulations, which causes serious damage to the multilateral efforts to secure a just and lasting solution to the problem of global climate change. At the final plenary session the Russian Federation and Ukraine signaled their intention to make a statement on the content of the draft amendment (a statement on behalf of a group of countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus). But the request was ignored by the chairman. The Russian delegation was given a permission to speak only after the decision was taken.The author discusses various definitions of the term "consensus" used in international law, including the comments of the UN Secretariat Office for Legal Affairs on the term "consensus". The paper presents an analysis of possible counteractions of the countries which interests were affected. According to the author procedural violations in Doha may delay the Doha amendments ratification by member states and reduce the number of potential participants with quantitative commitments  in the second period of the protocol.} }