@ARTICLE{26583242_40862631_2011, author = {Sudeep Chand}, keywords = {, South Korea, APEC, healthcareG20}, title = {Bridging to Divide: South Korea’s Emerging Role in Global Health Diplomacy}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2011}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {138-141}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2011-6-4/40862631.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The presented publication is translation of the seventh chapter of the CSIS report "Key Players in Global Health: How Brazil,Russia,India,China, and South Africa Are Influencing the Game".The author assessesSouth Korea’s activities in development national and global health in the context of G20 summit hosted bySouth Korea.The paper also analyses the place of global health in the summit agenda, prospects for its further development and theSouth Korea’s role in achieving world’s stable growth.}, annote = {The presented publication is translation of the seventh chapter of the CSIS report "Key Players in Global Health: How Brazil,Russia,India,China, and South Africa Are Influencing the Game".The author assessesSouth Korea’s activities in development national and global health in the context of G20 summit hosted bySouth Korea.The paper also analyses the place of global health in the summit agenda, prospects for its further development and theSouth Korea’s role in achieving world’s stable growth.} }