@ARTICLE{26583242_34816773_2011, author = {U Dukkipati}, keywords = {, international development assistance, India’s policy framework in the health sector, healthcare, innovationofficial development assistance}, title = {India’s Approach to Global Health: Innovation at Home}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2011}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {96-104}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2011-6-3/34816773.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The presented publication is translation of the third chapter of the CSIS report "Key Players in GlobalHealth: How Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa Are Influencing the Game". The article focuseson India’s policy in global and national health. The author notes India’s paradox: whereas the country’shealth sector faces serious problems, India stakes on active participation in international developmentaid. This approach stimulates development of innovations in India’s health sector.}, annote = {The presented publication is translation of the third chapter of the CSIS report "Key Players in GlobalHealth: How Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa Are Influencing the Game". The article focuseson India’s policy in global and national health. The author notes India’s paradox: whereas the country’shealth sector faces serious problems, India stakes on active participation in international developmentaid. This approach stimulates development of innovations in India’s health sector.} }