@ARTICLE{26583242_34811973_2011, author = {Vladimir Bartenev}, keywords = {, international development assistance, intensity of discourse, International peace and security, counter-terrorismfragile states}, title = {Securitization of International Development Aid: Political Discourse Analysis}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2011}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {37-50}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2011-6-3/34811973.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The securitization of development assistance has lately become one of the most debatable subjects inthe Western Political Science. It is understood as encapsulation of global and national security interestsin the framing, justification, structuring and implementation of development and aid policies based on theperception of underdevelopment as a threat. Experts argue that this phenomenon can be observed atthree different levels: in the discourse of political leaders and the language of documentation of the internationalorganizations (macro-level); in the changes in institutional structure, volumes and direction of thedevelopment aid flows (meso-level); and in the planning and implementation of specific programmes andprojects (micro-level). This article examines the manifestations of the securitization of development atmacro-level, identifies the key elements of the securitizing move as a discursive practice, and assessesthe prospects for the preservation of this trend.}, annote = {The securitization of development assistance has lately become one of the most debatable subjects inthe Western Political Science. It is understood as encapsulation of global and national security interestsin the framing, justification, structuring and implementation of development and aid policies based on theperception of underdevelopment as a threat. Experts argue that this phenomenon can be observed atthree different levels: in the discourse of political leaders and the language of documentation of the internationalorganizations (macro-level); in the changes in institutional structure, volumes and direction of thedevelopment aid flows (meso-level); and in the planning and implementation of specific programmes andprojects (micro-level). This article examines the manifestations of the securitization of development atmacro-level, identifies the key elements of the securitizing move as a discursive practice, and assessesthe prospects for the preservation of this trend.} }