@ARTICLE{26583242_34811062_2011, author = {Semion Lyapichev}, keywords = {, The Great Human Rights Game, political struggle-tool in international relations, UN Human Rights Council, Arab world, Libyadouble standards}, title = {The Great Human Rights Game:  Origins, Results and Possible Consequences}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2011}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {10-19}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2011-6-3/34811062.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article discusses the phenomenon of the Great Human Rights Game, the expression used in debateson human rights issues in international political and economic relations context. Human rights have becomea tool of "unsuitable" countries dismemberment, the reason for the use of force, military intervention,imposing sanctions and intrusion of "democratic" internal regulations. The author draws specialattention to the UN human rights sector reform and establishment of the UN Human Rights Council. TheGreat Human Rights Game represents manipulation of human rights concepts’ provisions and nowadaystakes place in the Arab world (Libya in particular).}, annote = {The article discusses the phenomenon of the Great Human Rights Game, the expression used in debateson human rights issues in international political and economic relations context. Human rights have becomea tool of "unsuitable" countries dismemberment, the reason for the use of force, military intervention,imposing sanctions and intrusion of "democratic" internal regulations. The author draws specialattention to the UN human rights sector reform and establishment of the UN Human Rights Council. TheGreat Human Rights Game represents manipulation of human rights concepts’ provisions and nowadaystakes place in the Arab world (Libya in particular).} }