@ARTICLE{26583242_28138106_2011, author = {Ch. Neal and Svetlana Markova}, keywords = {, international development assistance, World Bank, communication strategy, IDA, ODA, donor-countries, partner-countriesRussia}, title = {Communicative Strategy for Russia’s Development Assistance: a Review of Other Donors’ Experience}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2011}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {65-94}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2011-6-2/28138106.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Neal Ch., Senior Communications Advisor at the World Bank Group; E-mail: Cneal1@worldbank.orgMarkova S., Communications Consultant at the World Bank Group; E-mail: smarkova@worldbank.orgThis paper reviews the public positioning of official development assistance (ODA) programs of selected donor countries, as well as that of multilateral development institutions. It compares and contrasts their communications objectives, messages, strategies, practices and products. It also discussesthe organizational structures that governments and multilaterals have established to manage publicinformation and communications on development aid. Based on this review and the Concept for Russia’s International Development Assistance, it suggests issues for discussion towards developing acommunications strategy and plan for Russia’s ODA program.}, annote = {Neal Ch., Senior Communications Advisor at the World Bank Group; E-mail: Cneal1@worldbank.orgMarkova S., Communications Consultant at the World Bank Group; E-mail: smarkova@worldbank.orgThis paper reviews the public positioning of official development assistance (ODA) programs of selected donor countries, as well as that of multilateral development institutions. It compares and contrasts their communications objectives, messages, strategies, practices and products. It also discussesthe organizational structures that governments and multilaterals have established to manage publicinformation and communications on development aid. Based on this review and the Concept for Russia’s International Development Assistance, it suggests issues for discussion towards developing acommunications strategy and plan for Russia’s ODA program.} }