@ARTICLE{26583242_26743636_2010, author = {Andrey Morozov}, keywords = {, HEIs, regional development, education, federal universities, multilateral interaction, business strategy, private sector, partnership, networkingintegration}, title = {Business and HEIs}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2010}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {169-174}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2010-5-3/26743636.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {A. Morozov, the President of CBOSS Association; E-mail: email@cboss.ruRecent changes in Higher Education policy provide new opportunities for modern universities development based on interaction and creating new partnerships with various stakeholders. Building relationships between Russian universities and a private sector is one of the major trends. Andrei Morozov, the President of CBOSS Association, discusses new specific ways of interaction between Russian companies and HEIs.}, annote = {A. Morozov, the President of CBOSS Association; E-mail: email@cboss.ruRecent changes in Higher Education policy provide new opportunities for modern universities development based on interaction and creating new partnerships with various stakeholders. Building relationships between Russian universities and a private sector is one of the major trends. Andrei Morozov, the President of CBOSS Association, discusses new specific ways of interaction between Russian companies and HEIs.} }