@ARTICLE{26583242_26724128_2010, author = {Ekaterina Lobza and Dmitry Botvin and Rustam Khasanshin}, keywords = {, Networked Readiness Index, ICT Development IndexKnowledge Economy Index}, title = {Indicating and Monitoring Systems for Information Society and Knowledge Economy Development on the basis of Networked Readiness Index, ICT Development Index и Knowledge Economy Index}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2010}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {33-50}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2010-5-1/26724128.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Dmitry Botvin, Student of the Faculty of Business Informatics of the StateUniversity - Higher School of Economics; E-mail: bortvin_do@mail.ruEkaterina Lobza, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Business Informatics, Deputy Head of Department of IT Innovation and Business of the State University - Higher School of Economics; E-mail: elobza@hse.ruRustam Khasanshin, Student of the Faculty of Business Informatics of the StateUniversity - Higher School of Economics; E-mail: mailto:rustam.khas@gmail.com}, annote = {Dmitry Botvin, Student of the Faculty of Business Informatics of the StateUniversity - Higher School of Economics; E-mail: bortvin_do@mail.ruEkaterina Lobza, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Business Informatics, Deputy Head of Department of IT Innovation and Business of the State University - Higher School of Economics; E-mail: elobza@hse.ruRustam Khasanshin, Student of the Faculty of Business Informatics of the StateUniversity - Higher School of Economics; E-mail: mailto:rustam.khas@gmail.com} }