@ARTICLE{26583242_26813386_2009, author = {Marina Larionova and Yuriy Zaitsev}, keywords = {, international development assistance, global governance, G20, multilateral international institutions, resisting protectionismglobal trade and investment}, title = {The G20 member-states Compliance with the London Summit 2009 Commitments}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2009}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {4-12}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2009-4-4/26813386.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Marina Larionova, Doctor of Political Science, Director of the State University - Higher School of Eco�nomics International Organisations Research Institute, Head of International Programmes at the National Training Foundation of the Russian Federation; mlarionova@hse.ru Yuriy Zaitsev, Researcher of the Informational - Analytical G8 Research Centre of the of the State Uni�versity - Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute, PhD Student of the Chair of Theory and Practice of Public Administration of the Department of Public Administration of the State University - Higher School of Economics; yuriy.zaitsev@gmail.comThe International Organisations Research Institute of the State University - Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the National Training Foundation of the Russian Federation prepared the 2009 G20 London Summit Commitments Compliance Report. The article presents the results from the monitoring of the G20 compliance with five commitments from such priority spheres, as restoring the growth and jobs, resisting protectionism and promoting global trade and investment, development cooperation, financial and price stability and financial risks decrease.}, annote = {Marina Larionova, Doctor of Political Science, Director of the State University - Higher School of Eco�nomics International Organisations Research Institute, Head of International Programmes at the National Training Foundation of the Russian Federation; mlarionova@hse.ru Yuriy Zaitsev, Researcher of the Informational - Analytical G8 Research Centre of the of the State Uni�versity - Higher School of Economics International Organisations Research Institute, PhD Student of the Chair of Theory and Practice of Public Administration of the Department of Public Administration of the State University - Higher School of Economics; yuriy.zaitsev@gmail.comThe International Organisations Research Institute of the State University - Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the National Training Foundation of the Russian Federation prepared the 2009 G20 London Summit Commitments Compliance Report. The article presents the results from the monitoring of the G20 compliance with five commitments from such priority spheres, as restoring the growth and jobs, resisting protectionism and promoting global trade and investment, development cooperation, financial and price stability and financial risks decrease.} }