@ARTICLE{26583242_26957019_2008, author = {Marina Larionova}, keywords = {, liberalization of trade services, education, WTOOECD}, title = {Methodological Challenges of Assessing Liberalization Impact for Education Services}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2008}, volume = {3}, number = {6}, pages = {17-27}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2008-3-6/26957019.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {M. Larionova, PhD in Political Sciences, Director of the International Organizations Research Institute, State University - Higher School of EconomicsThe paper sums up major methodological problems of assessing liberalization impact for education services, defines a set of parameters for analysis, substantiates the choice of indicators and measurement scales. The author proposes an algorithm for comprehensive analysis of education sector liberalization. }, annote = {M. Larionova, PhD in Political Sciences, Director of the International Organizations Research Institute, State University - Higher School of EconomicsThe paper sums up major methodological problems of assessing liberalization impact for education services, defines a set of parameters for analysis, substantiates the choice of indicators and measurement scales. The author proposes an algorithm for comprehensive analysis of education sector liberalization. } }