@ARTICLE{26583242_26838584_2008, author = {Vladimir Shumilov}, keywords = {, TRIPS, intellectual property rightsWTO}, title = {TRIPS: impact on world education system in view of Russia’s future accession to the WTO}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL}, year = {2008}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {38-45}, url = {https://iorj.hse.ru/en/2008-3-1/26838584.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Vladimir Shumilov, PhD in Law Sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of the Foreign TradeThe paper addresses possible impact of future Russia’s accession to the WTO on the intellectual property rights protection in different areas including education. Stresses the importance of maintaining norms of the Agreement on Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights in the world education area under the GATS in education services author forecasting it as the most obvious challenge if Russia joined the WTO. Resulting the analysis author suggests comments on the correspondence of Russia’s legislation to the TRIPS norms and principles, the need to adjust national educational policy in accordance with differentiated regimes of international legislation on the intellectual property rights, as well as the necessity to define policy priorities to implement Agreement on TRIPS on Russian educational market. }, annote = {Vladimir Shumilov, PhD in Law Sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of the Foreign TradeThe paper addresses possible impact of future Russia’s accession to the WTO on the intellectual property rights protection in different areas including education. Stresses the importance of maintaining norms of the Agreement on Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights in the world education area under the GATS in education services author forecasting it as the most obvious challenge if Russia joined the WTO. Resulting the analysis author suggests comments on the correspondence of Russia’s legislation to the TRIPS norms and principles, the need to adjust national educational policy in accordance with differentiated regimes of international legislation on the intellectual property rights, as well as the necessity to define policy priorities to implement Agreement on TRIPS on Russian educational market. } }